Meet Chris Erickson: Artist

Hi Chris, how does your business help the community?

Art is the ultimate unifier. In a world of extreme polarization and dissenting beliefs, art has the ability to unite people across the spectrum of humanity. Art builds community. Art transcends all racial and ethic boundaries. Art provides meaning and understanding to the inexplicable. 

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?

As an artist I see myself as a reporter, absorbing all that is thrown at me through my senses, processing these discoveries and experiences and then distilling all of this information in the form of a visual language. In a world of constant stimuli and a bombardment of every sense, I feel like it is necessary to digest all of this information and then filter out the nonsense. Making art helps me achieve this by considering what is important, profound and relevant while discarding the remaining nonsense. This distillation of experience and subsequent translation through visual art, helps me makes sense of a chaotic world and facilitates the celebration of this life.